If bowel accidents keep you from enjoying the activities you love, then it's time to

Talk Leaks

Discover whether this proven therapy for bowel leakage could help you regain control. Take a short survey to see if the Medtronic InterStim™ system is right for you. 

How does it work?

Communication is what helps your bowel work properly. 

As the rectum fills with waste, nerves tell your brain “it’s time to go.” Research suggests that poor bowel-brain communication may cause chronic bowel leakage. In other words, your bowel may get the message too late…or not at all. 

The InterStim™ system gently stimulates the sacral nerves. This can improve how the bowel communicates with the brain and may ultimately improve bowel function.¹⁻²

Bowel and brain nerves communication pathway

Results you can trust


Medtronic has provided FDA-approved therapy for more than 25 years, making it a leader in the field.

long-term success3

89% of people who tried the InterStim™ system experienced long-term success.†,3

Over 90 InterStim™ clinical studies for bladder and bowel.

The most common adverse events experienced during clinical studies included pain at implant sites, new pain, lead migration, infection, technical or device problems, adverse change in bowel or voiding function, and undesirable stimulation or sensations. Any of these may require additional surgery or cause return of symptoms.

Not sure if the InterStim™ system is right for you?

Try it out before deciding

Before making any long-term commitments, you can try out the InterStim™ system in your doctor's office.

This simple "test drive" can you help you decide if InterStim™ is right for you.

Control leaks and rediscover your freedom.

The InterStim™ system could help you regain control over your symptoms and empower you to enjoy the activities you love, without worrying about unwanted bowel leakage.

The InterStim™ system may help you regain control over:



Uncontrollable urges to "go"

‡ Complications can occur with test, including movement of the wire, technical problems with the device, and some temporary pain. Your healthcare provider will give you information regarding how to operate the test device, and inform you of other precautions related to the test and activity restrictions.

Real patients, lasting results

The InterStim™ system has treated more than 400,000 patients for bowel and bladder symptoms.

Hear Hope's Story

After Hope had her third child, she suffered from a lack of bowel control. But after getting the InterStim™ system, it was "instant freedom". Watch her story above.

Not all patients will experience similar results.

Real patients, lasting results

The InterStim™ system has treated more than 400,000 patients for bowel and bladder symptoms.

“I'm getting back into music...I wouldn't have done these things before."

— James

“My world that started huge — I literally traveled the world — had shrunk to the point of hardly being able to leave my house. And now that world has been given back to me.”

— Kirstie

“During my test, my accidents went from daily to almost none.”

- Janet

Not all patients will experience similar results.

Take the survey

Discover whether the InterStim™ system could help you regain control over your bowel leakage. Take a short survey to see if this therapy is right for you.

Information on this site should not be used as a substitute for talking with your doctor. Always talk with your doctor about diagnosis and treatment information. Not all patients will experience the same results. Risks may include surgical, device and stimulation-related complications.

† Clinical success for FI is defined as ≥ 50% reduction in episodes/week. Numbers reflect Completer analysis, which included patients who had complete data at

baseline and at annual visits. Clinical success was 69% and complete continence was 28% in the Adjusted worst-case analysis.



1 Matzel KE, Stadelmaier U, Hohenfellner M, et al. Electrical stimulation of sacral spinal nerves for treatment of fecal incontinence. Lancet. 1995;8983:1124-1127.

2 Janssen PTJ, Komen N, Melenhorst J et al. Sacral neuromodulation for fecal incontinence A review of the central mechanisms of action. J Clin Gastroenterol. 2017;51(8):669-676.

3. Hull T, Giese C, Wexner SD, et al. Long-term durability of sacral nerve stimulation therapy for chronic fecal incontinence. Dis Colon Rectum. 2013;56(2):234-245

4. Patton V, Wiklendt L, Arkwright JW, et al. The effect of sacral nerve stimulation on distal colonic motility in patients with fecal incontinence. Br J Surg. 2013;100(7):959-968.

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